The painting ‘Behind every stone’ originated from Meda Mládkova’s story of her struggle to establish the Kampa Museum in Sova’s Mill. ‘You know,’ she told me, ‘I fought for every stone here.’ This gave me the idea of taking a canvas, spreading it out on the cobblestones in front of the museum’s entrance and…

The exhibition will take place at the Private Gallery in Monaco from March 1st to May 9th, 2016  

The exhibition is held in the cozy and stylish café Kavarnička near Troja Castle. Pod Havránkou 657/10b, Prague 7 – Troja Opening hours:  Mon – Sun 10am-8pm

Výstava se koná v prostorách útulné a stylové kavárničky na nádherném místě v blízkosti Trojského zámku. Pod Havránkou 657/10b, Praha 7 – Troja Otevírací doba:  po-ne 10:00 – 20:00hod.

The exhibition is taking place in the stylish Gallery 1 in Prague 1 from April 4 to May 2, 2015. Opening hours: Tues. – Fri. 10:00 – 12:00 and 13:00 – 18:00, Sat. 10:00-14:00.

The Exhibition will take place at Gallery Šestka from July 1 to July 31, 2014  

Vernisáž proběhne za přítomnosti autora 1. 5. 2014 ve 13.30 O hudební vsuvku se postará skupina Old Stars Mladá Boleslav Výstavu můžete navštívit do 29.5. vždy v po-čt od 9 do 11.30 a od 12 do16 hod. Jiný termín návštěvy je možné domluvit telefonicky na č. 326 701 216.

The exhibition is held at Mosaic House in Prague 2, Odborů 278/4 from December 1 – December 31, 2011.